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INTERLUX Lighting, Tomášikova 30, Bratislava

Widget Designer V kategórii sa nenachádza žiadny produkt.

Interactive Application Builder

Widget Designer

Pomocou neho rýchlo a ľahko utvoríte interaktívnu aplikáciu ktorá umožní ovládať napríklad návštevníkom určité predprogramované prvky na Pandoras Box zariadeniach priamo voľbou z dotykovej obrazovky. Vytvoríte skutočne rýchlo a jednoducho interaktívne diaľkové ovládače pre celú expozíciu či show.

The Christie® Pandoras Box Widget Designer is an advanced control surface creation framework, that lets you create dedicated user interfaces and interaction logic by simply connecting visual control components. 

A rich feature set for visual node based programming is available to create customized show-control scenarios. Adding simple scripting makes programming more efficient and powerful. The great number of features are all based around the idea, that even non-programming specialists should be given the tools to create truly immersive interactive experiences for their customers. 

With the embedded node programming environment users can route and set up almost any possible control scenario. Easily interact with sensors and data sources to route input data to any other output protocol such as Art-Net, Midi/MSC, TCP/UDP, DMX or RS-232/-422 devices. 

Create custom interfaces for clients to interact with the system, or create individual sets of faders and cue controls for your specific show control demands. Easily create large scale multi-touch applications for several users who are then able to interact with the content. Scaling, rotating and moving video content can become an interactive experience.

Key Features:

  • Built-in Script Language
  • Native HTML 5 user-interface
  • Cue & Playlist
  • Customizable Button, Fader & Dashboard Controls
  • Animations and transitions for pages and widgets
  • Composite nodes allow for integration of node systems into re-usable custom nodes
  • Event Scheduler
  • Direct Media Control
  • TCP / UDP / Serial RS232 / MIDI / Art-Net / DMX512 / SMPTE

  • DMX & Art-Net Recording & Playback
  • Email Send & receive 
  • Multi-Touch Support
  • Game Controller Support: Joysticks, MS Kinect, Nintendo Wii 
  • GPS Receiver input
  • Phidget Sensor support - www.phidgets.com
  • RSS Input
  • Sensor Link input
  • SMS Send & receive
  • Macros & Variables
  • Video Processing & Display
  • Visual Node Programming

HTML User Interface 

The Widget Designer interface is based on HTML-5 and features the possibility to style and manipulate complete pages or single widgets due to internally used CSS3 styles. Those can be imported and applied to the local user interface. Web designers can easily style customized control panels for a variety of different users and applications.

Composite Nodes 

A compilation of numerous nodes can be integrated in a re-usable custom node for further use. This drastically reduces the amount of required nodes, makes changes to the system much more efficiently and enhances the overview when it comes to extensive node systems.

Multiple Windows 

Approach different tasks with different windows. With the option of multiple windows, one can split the technical backend for triggering the show from another window which is remotely driven by a CEO or visitor. View the user’s interaction in a separate window while working in a different one. Additional screens can run divergent resolutions to match the specific project needs.

Web Server 

The integrated web server, which also drives the native Widget Designer interface, can publish all created pages to external browsers on any kind of device. Remotely control shows with your customized self-designed interface from a tablet, smart phone or computer.

Scripting Language 

A versatile but simple and easy to learn scripting language opens up another level of possibilities and effectiveness. Widgets and Pandoras Box devices can be scripted along with external protocols and sources. The improved scripting methods guide the user when it comes to errors, adds local variables and unifies the overall scripting convention to finally reduce production times. 

Pandoras Box Integration 

The Widget Designer can be directly used as a sequence device as part of the Pandoras Box GUI. One also has the option of reading out a great variety of Pandoras Box values. 

External Devices / Protocols 

Make use of an extensive amount of supported protocols and external devices. Camera tracking and motion detections can be used to trigger network-based protocols or can be translated to interact with file formats. Read and edit spreadsheets to update projected content or use data bases to schedule shows. The Widget Designer is capable of uniting combinations only imagined before.
Camera Tracking - Colour & Object


  • Multi-Session WebServer
  • Sessionbased Variables
  • Custom HTML & Javascript export
  • Custom Node Plugin support
  • Custom Script Plugin support

The web server can host multiple sessions of Widget Designer. This means that multiple pages can be controlled independent­ly of one another from an unlimited amount of clients. This is perfect for installations where several remote controls are needed with a centralized control station.


  • 19" 4U Pandoras Box Player (hardware only)
  • DMX Link - DMX512 USB Input & Output
  • SMPTE Link - LTC Timecode USB Input & Output
  • Net Link - Network I/O Modules

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